Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Third Trimester of Pregnancy

If many of you have a lingering question what is the third trimester of pregnancy? The answer is pregnancy and third trimester is marked by growing belly and a growing body. This is because your little one keeps on growing from two and a half pounds to 16 inches long in your womb to 6 or 9 pounds to 19 or 22 inches long between 27 weeks to 40 weeks.
Also the baby will do some activities during pregnancy third trimestersuch as blinking, regulate its body temperature, receive signals from its five senses, know the difference between light and dark, have a taste of what you eat and listens to your voice.
Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Find out what to expect in the third trimester of pregnancy. The third trimester of pregnancy spans from week 28 to the birth. You enter in the third trimester with energy, but as you know, your body continues to grow and change, you starts to feel tired and experience new aches and pains.


Third Trimester of Pregnancy

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